Friday, August 29, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Geeky Networking

Yep, that's a Twitter widget on the right. As I post "tweets" (essentially very short blog posts) they'll get copied to the widget. I've also been pulled into Facebook (my page). Stalk me like celery!

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Eyes have it!

LeapPads are all fun and games until someone LOSES AN EYE, or at least gets a painful poke in the eye with the Leap Pen. Such was my fate sitting next to the boy, while he struggled to do something with that damn pen with his left hand. I'm hardly blameless in this I guess, since I've often said I'd give my right eye to have a lefthanded son..

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Indiana Sand Dunes

Jason likes sand, so in a cruel twist of fate I took him to a place with so much sand he hated it. We trekked over to Indiana to Mt Baldy, along Indiana's sand dune park system. The "mountain" is about a hundred feet tall, and offers some nice views (which would be nicer without so much cloud cover casting shadows on everything).

I hear the refinery in the background spews out so much radioactive waste that locals have grown gills and can swim like fish!

We picked a good day to not be in Chicago, as when we looked out over Lake Michigan we could see Chicago was submerged!!

This is what we get for not taking mass transit to the sand dunes. Fortunately, traffic was heavy and with the delay getting home Chicago had time to dry out.

Friday, August 8, 2008


It reminds me a bit of Schoolhouse Rock, but in a kids anime style.
I love eggs

Preseason Thoughts: Chiefs vs Bears

I caught most of the Chiefs/Bears preseason game last night, tuning in to catch Grossman's missteps. Hadie looked really good, showing some pocket presence avoiding the pass rush, and making good decisions and fairly accurate throws. Some caveats though:
1. It's preseason. Teams are playing to see which players are worth keeping, not so much to win the game.
2. It's the Chiefs, not exactly a dominant team.
3. It wasn't even the Chief's starters on defense against Hadie. Then again, he didn't have the Bears starters on offense. It's hard to tell sometimes with the Bears, since their offensive players are, well, offensive.

I'd like to see Hadie get some more time in the next preseason games. From what I saw last night, he shows more potential than both Orton and Grossman. Those other two "starters" really lower the bar for what we in Chicago want from our quarterbacks. If Hadie ends up being below average, it would be a huge step forward for the team.