Sonya gave me the title for this shot (my first take was "one letter off"). The color is a little flat; the ambient light was filtered through heavy clouds, and I was trying to get the snow exposed correctly.
Well, not really Gnome trains, but both trains and gnomes were on display at the Morton Arboretum. We took Jason primarily to see their train setup, but we had more fun trying to find all of the hidden gnomes around the park. Our recent warm weather melted most of the snow, making this kind of scavenger hunt more enjoyable.
My grandpa, on Thanksgiving. This shot didn't score well in the "Free Study" challenge, but I thought I got the effect I was aiming for. Click on the image to see my notes on how I set up the lighting for this one.
Speaking of DPC, I have an entry in the November Free Study which isn't doing great, but it's a picture I like. I'll post it once voting has finished on the 8th.
The Retributivist Theory of Condemnation
I am looking at theories of condemnation to measure how they compare to the
role that condemnation plays in desirism.
I am using the following text: