Brought to you by April Showers
"Let me give you another extremist view, 'In God We Trust.' Say that too loud in some parts of America and you will be shot. It's terrible."
"It grants a moral permission to kids with guns to go ahead and kill atheists.
If it is morally permissible to kill atheists, then other activities less likely to bring the police and courts into the matter, must also be permissible. Assault, vandalism, bullying, intimidation, theft, an "accident" in the school yard, some name-calling, withholding honors and inviting ridicule . . . if the use of a gun is permissible, these must be acceptable as well."
I’ll bet they’re wishing they had a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER now.
And then there are the activists who are looking forward to tomorrow because they think the president is a secret Muslim fascist/socialist who wasn't born in the U.S. and intends to impose a global currency on us while building concentration camps with FEMA money.
For Jefferson, separation of church and state was a necessary reform of the religious "tyranny" whereby a religion received state endorsement, and those not of that religion were denied rights, and even punished.
It is time to quit discriminating against geocentrists in the public schools just because of their beliefs, and to teach not only the children but the school administrators themselves to respect the diverse views of the teaching community.
The family got a G10 camera for me for a birthday present, so I would have a camera that could keep up with the boy when we're out and about. It is much more portable than the 5D, and does an adequate job with the little lens it has. I like it! Now if only I could find a small camera bag for it..
Make sure nothing explodes or burns.