Sunday, March 29, 2009

Game Night Recap

We had just enough turnout (4 players, including 2 out of 3 Sarah's) to be able to play all of the really fun games. The previous night, our friend Ruby helped us make a batch of tamales, and Sonya made peach ice cream (non-dairy!). And despite the naysayers on Facebook, people thought the food was delicious.

We played:
    Puerto Rico
And then hit the Wii for Guitar Hero and the latest Raving Rabbids game.

The next game night will likely be on April 25th.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


There's something screwy here..

The family got a G10 camera for me for a birthday present, so I would have a camera that could keep up with the boy when we're out and about. It is much more portable than the 5D, and does an adequate job with the little lens it has. I like it! Now if only I could find a small camera bag for it..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Yes, I still have this recurring dream, usually about one of my non-technical classes which I didn't give much attention to in the first place.

By the way, you should be reading XKCD every day. Go back through the archives. It's not like you're working right now anyway.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Sometimes the best response to bigotry is to mock it. Last year, at FAnime, a group of fundamentalists showed up to inform the rest of us cartoon fans we were all going to hell. Various individuals tried to confront them with logic and reason, but that only bolstered the fundamentalists' faith. Once they got rickrolled though...they hung their heads in defeat and left. It was glorious.